Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Congratulations goes out to The Sentinels, from Oakville, who won our provincial championship tournament and have qualified for World Festival in St. Louis at the end of April. In addition to this accomplishment, they were featured on the Canadian Diabetes Association website through an article about their research project on diabetes. You can see the article here and watch their video on YouTube here.

Great job Sentinels!!

Good luck in St. Louis!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Grant application

Hello teams,

For those of you interested in the spring grant, please remember that you and/or the team you're mentoring must purchase a registration from FLL first and THEN apply for the grant. Interest in this program is growing so I would suggest that you register early in May (when registration opens) and apply immediately for the grant. More information on this process will be posted in the next few weeks so check back often!


Provincial Championships

Hello everyone,

So it's been a while since I posted something new on the blog but I wanted to draw your attention to a couple things. First of all, the Provincial Championships were a huge success once again as we had 50 teams competing against each other with lots of hardware being handed out. A big thank you to UOIT for being our host and donating most of the university to our event! In addition, we had sponsorship from OPG once again this year and RIM came on board as a major sponsor of our program as well.

A big congratulations goes out to all the teams who competed on January 15th at UOIT. If you're interested in checking out the results of our event, you can see it on our new site. Other media coverage of the event includes:

And if you're interested in seeing some photos of the event, please check out Ian Goodall's photos from the day at:

Take care everyone!
