Monday, November 17, 2014

FLL World Class Team Blast #6 - Tournament Prep

Hello teams,

In this email:
  1. Tournament Preparation
  2. Sharing from around the world
  3. FLL Ontario Blog
Tournament Preparation
You will be attending your qualifying tournament in the next couple of weeks and I wanted to review some items to remember and prepare.
  1. Consent and release forms - For those of you who are new to FLL, FIRST requires a Consent and Release form to be signed by all coaches and participants at the event.  In the past these have been done via a paper version.  This year, FLL HQ has offered a new online method of doing this to cut down on the paper required for signing and postage for sending all the copies to HQ.  Please follow the instructions here to complete this process for your team PRIOR to your event.  Using the Team Roster  For those parents who wish not to sign online, they can follow the procedures in this form to complete a paper copy of the consent and release form.
  2. Teams MUST participate in all three areas of FLL (Robot Design, Core Values, AND the Research Project) in order to be eligible for Core Awards and advancement to the Provincial Championships
  3. For information on how the Champions' Award and Advancement to Provincials works please refer to this FAQ page.
  4. A REMINDER that teams must have a MAXIMUM of 10 children at the event.  Any team with more than 10 members at the event will be ineligible for awards and/or advancement to the provincials.
  5. Make sure you refer to the Rubrics when preparing your team!
  6. The Coaches' Manual (if you haven't already downloaded it is a great resource for the season and for preparing for an event in terms of what to expect)
  7. If you're a rookie team (or even if you're NOT!) you may be feeling a little overwhelmed and under-prepared right now - fear not, EVERYONE feels under-prepared and there will be many teams at all events that are rookies and may have no missions or only one mission accomplished.  Don't let that stop you from attending 
  8. If you've not visited it yet, check out the FLL World Class Resources page
Sharing from around the world
FLL teams 52 and 59, from Mesa Robles Robotworks (in the LA region) have created a Core Values project.  They believe this is a great project and represents the essence of FIRST's Core Values.   Read about their idea:

Together we have developed a Facebook page and a YouTube page where 1 minute to 2 minute videos on Core Values can be posted.  The Facebook page can be found  The name of the project is INSPIRE Core Values and we are asking all FIRST teams to post a video.  Instructions have been posted in the About section of our Facebook page.   

This team from Pittsburgh, PA have created a website to share EV3 lessons.  Check it out!

FLL Ontario Blog
If you feel you've missed an important email from me, know that you can always check out the FLL Ontario Blog which archives all the emails sent (note: with the exception of the tournament registration emails because those were sent ONLY to the Head Coach listed for the team to avoid duplicate registrations/confusion in the system).

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

FLL World Class Team Blast #5

Hello coaches,

I hope your preparations for your upcoming event continue to go well.  Please see below some updates/reminders.

In this post:
  1. Tournament Registration completed
  2. Tournament paperwork
  3. Team Resources - MUST read the coaches' manual!
  4. Field Setup Kits
  5. Global Innovation Award

1. Tournament Registration Completed
Tournament Registration is closed and I've attached a file which lists all teams attending all events.  If you want to check your status please do so using this file.

2. Tournament Paperwork
Your Tournament Director will be following up with you soon regarding details for their event including payment.  
You should be prepared to have these documents ready for your event:
  • FIRST Consent and Release forms (either done online through your TIMS account in which case you just need the roster form printed or printed copies from each child brought to the event) - for details on how to use your TeamRoster to do this online, please refer to this 4-minute video explaining it: Using the Team Roster
  • RDES: please download this file and follow the instructions included within.  This framework will help your teamprepare for the Robot Design Judging component of the tournament.
    Basic Outline: The RDES should include the following elements: Robot FactsDesign Details, and a short Trial Run. 
3. Team Resources
You can find many resources for your team on our website here and on FIRST LEGO League Headquarter's site here.  These resources include a Coaches' Manual which is a great resource.  I recommend you read it through cover to cover if this is your first or second year because it has great reminders and an overview of what to expect in the season and at a tournament.

4. Field Setup Kits
If you haven't already done so, you need to make sure to call Spectrum to order your Field Setup Kit for this season.  Details on doing so can be found on my blog post from June 23.

 5. FLL Global Innovation Award 
This piece is TOTALLY optional and teams usually look at this AFTER their event is over - either way, don't stress over this one if you're new to FLL!  This is meant more for the experienced teams ready to take their project to the next level.

Submissions are being accepted for the FIRST® LEGO® League Global Innovation Award presented by XPRIZE! FLLteams may submit their innovative idea from the FLL WORLD CLASS season until 2 p.m. ET February 10, 2015. The winning team will receive USD $20,000 to further develop the team’s invention and/or to support team activities related to FIRST programs.  Each member of the three Finalist teams will also win a LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 robot set.  Encourage teams to go to to find out more.

Go Teams!


Thursday, September 11, 2014

World Class Team Blast #4

Hello teams,

We are well into the first few weeks of school now and I hope all is well in your world.
In this email you will find information on:

  1. Training and Kickoff
  2. Ask an Expert Calls
  3. Team Registration Woes!!
  4. Tournament Registration Update
  5. Challenge Updates

1. Training day & FLL Ontario Kickoff
Waterloo Kickoff: A reminder that we have a Training day in Waterloo this Saturday.  The event runs from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. and please make sure to RSVP with ASAP.

Toronto Kickoff: On Saturday September 27th we will be hosting our 4th annual FLL Kickoff and Training day in Toronto and this year we will be hosted by Bayview Glen School in Toronto.   Veteran FLL coaches and mentors will help to guide you and your team through a variety of topics.  You can see last year's agenda here to get an idea of the workshops being planned.  If there is something you don't see there that you would like to learn, please email me your suggestion and we'll see what we can do.

2. Ask an Expert 
Don't forget to register for the Ask an Expert webinar series. Upcoming presentations include Engaging Girls in STEM with FLL Partner Camille Sloan-Schroeder on Oct. 1st (register here ) and Judging from a Team Perspective with Global Judge Advisor Skip Gridley on Oct. 15th (register here).

The list of past webinars and links to both the presentations and question-and-answer sessions are located here.  

3. Team Registration Woes!!
Registration for FLL is definitely more challenging this year, but don't let that stop you from a great experience with/for the kids!  If you're struggling through a stage, please let me know so I can assist you through this process.  Please view these videos and ensure you've completed all the steps to ensure you're on the road to success!
    Setting up your personal profile:
    Registering your team:
    Ordering your materials:
    Using the Team Roster

    4. Tournament Registration Update
    Many of you are asking about when events will be available.  We're working to set all the events up and after TEAM registration closes we will make available the TOURNAMENT registration process (likely around Thanksgiving).

    5. Challenge Updates
    Challenge Updates are under way. As of Monday afternoon, six Robot Game Updates and one Project Update have been posted to teams. We are working on a schedule of posting Updates twice per week on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, beginning the week of Sept. 15.   Updates are linked to from the Challenge page of the FLL website .   

    Have fun!


    Thursday, August 28, 2014

    World Class Team Blast #3: New Screening Process - Again...

    Hello coaches,

    If you have already been screened then you can ignore this communication.  If you have not yet been screened, the process has changed since the previous communication on screening/registering.

    Rather than two phone references (as was the previous process) coaches will now be screened through an automated process through  This should only take a few days to process and then you'll be able to order your materials from Spectrum as indicated in the previous post.

    Please note, you still need to have BOTH coaches screened before you can proceed.

    Hope that helps!


    Monday, June 23, 2014

    World Class Team Blast #2: New Registration Process

    NOTE: Some of the videos in this post were created early in the season and your experience may prove slightly different since HQ has made some changes to the system since these were created.  One of significant note would be the screening process which previously involved providing two references per coach who were phoned.  That system has been replaced by the automated police background check system.

    NB: This is no different than previously communicated - just highlighting it in one place.

    FIRST LEGO League Headquarters has created a new system for registration this year which has many changes over previous years.  One of the impetuses for this change was their new Youth Protection Plan which is a great initiative to keep our kids safe while participating in FIRST programs.  We take children’s safety VERY seriously and this is a positive step in the right direction toward that goal.

    To help with the registration process we’ve outlined the steps you must follow for successful registration and product ordering this season.

    Step 1: Coaches create a profile at this link on May 5th :

    Here's a video walking you through the process of setting up your user id and password:

    You will be asked to login into TIMS with last year's TRE account username and password, or create a new account. There is a process to renew or change your password if necessary. This will require a new profile to be filled out. The profile process may seem somewhat lengthy for FLL teams as we are starting anew in the TIMS system. However, once the user profile is completed for this 2014 season it will carry over to next year where only a verification of the existing data will be required. The former TRE link will direct you to the TIMS system.

    Team registration payment questions should be directed to:
    Finance Group:                603-666-3906 x563
    Finance Fax:                    603-206-2079
    200 Bedford Street, Manchester NH 03101

    Step 2: Coach uses the login info created above to register a team.

    Here's a video walking you through that process of registering your team.

    NOTE: two coaches MUST be listed on the registration and EACH of these coaches must be screened - once you register you will receive an email requesting that you fill in some information at so that you can be screened by the Canadian Police Services.  Coaches may NOT order their Field Setup Kit or their Robot until both coaches’ references have been contacted so please choose contacts that will be able to answer the phone.
    NOTE: payment for team registration this year will be made to US FIRST and will be $225 USD.

    Step 3: Order your materials through Spectrum Educational
    ·       Once you have created your profile, registered your team, paid your Team Fee ($225 USD to FIRST HQ), and had two coaches pass the screening process, you will get access to purchasing your Field Setup Kit (FSK) and your FLL Robot through a phone call to Spectrum Educational Supplies. Here's a video detailing how to order your materials

    For further information on this, please see this archived Team Blast from HQ.

    NOTE: ALL registration issues should be addressed to FLL HQ by phone at +1 (603) 666-3906 OR 1-(800) 871-8326 (US Toll-free).
    NOTE: All questions related to ordering materials should be directed to Spectrum at Tel: 905-898-0031 OR Toll-Free Phone: 1-800-668-0600

    Any other questions can be sent to Christine Bibic at

    Step 4: Follow up tasks
    1. In the early fall (or sooner if you want) you can update your team roster and get the parents all signed in and consent forms done electronically this year. Ya!  Here's a video outlining how to use the Team Roster
    2. Register your team for an event and pay the Tournament registration fee.  This registration takes place in the fall in early October.  More details to follow later.
    Summary of videos in this email:
    Setting up your profile:
    Registering your team:
    Ordering your materials:
    Using the Team Roster

    Hope all of that helps you to navigate this new process.  Thank you for your patience as we transition through this year.  I apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

    Sunday, May 4, 2014

    World Class Team Blast #1

    Hello Ontario FLL Coaches,

    I hope you've had a great off season and that you're itching to get going with the new season of FLL, World Class!  It should be a great year of figuring out how we can improve on the way we learn/teach/grow.  

    In this email you will find two important items:


    • Once you have created your profile, registered your team, paid your Team Fee ($225 USD to FIRST HQ), and had two coaches pass the screening process, you will get access to purchasing your Field Setup Kit (FSK) and your FLL Robot through a phone call to Spectrum Educational Supplies. Here's a video detailing how to order your materials

    For further information on this, please see this archived Team Blast from HQ.
    1. In the early fall (or sooner if you want) you can update your team roster and get the parents all signed in and consent forms done electronically this year. Ya!  Here's a video outlining how to use the Team Roster
    1. Register your team for an event and pay the Tournament registration fee.  This registration takes place in the fall in early October.  More details to follow later.


    FIRST LEGO League Headquarters has created a new system for registration this year which has many changes over previous years.  One of the impetuses for this change was their new Youth Protection Plan which is a great initiative to keep our kids safe while participating in FIRST programs.  We take children’s safety VERY seriously and this is a positive step in the right direction toward that goal.
    You may wish to hold off for a few days to register so that we can work out all the bugs with new system but for those who are anxious to get their team registered and want to test the system for everyone else we've created some helpful steps.

    To help with the registration process we’ve outlined the steps you must follow for successful registration and product ordering this season.
    Step 1: Coaches create a profile at this link on May 5th :

    Here's a video walking you through the process of setting up your user id and password:

    You will be asked to login into TIMS with last year's TRE account username and password, or create a new account. There is a process to renew or change your password if necessary. This will require a new profile to be filled out. The profile process may seem somewhat lengthy for FLL teams as we are starting anew in the TIMS system. However, once the user profile is completed for this 2014 season it will carry over to next year where only a verification of the existing data will be required. The former TRE link will direct you to the TIMS system.
    Team registration payment questions should be directed to:
    Finance Group:                603-666-3906 x563
    Finance Fax:                    603-206-2079
    200 Bedford Street, Manchester NH 03101

    Step 2: Coach uses the login info created above to register a team.

    Here's a video walking you through that process of registering your team.
    NOTE: two coaches MUST be listed on the registration and EACH of those coaches must indicate TWO references who will be called.  Coaches may NOT order their Field Setup Kit or their Robot until both coaches’ references have been contacted so please choose contacts that will be able to answer the phone.
    NOTE: payment for team registration this year will be made to US FIRST and will be $225 USD.

    Step 3: Order your materials through Spectrum Educational

    NOTE: ALL registration issues should be addressed to FLL HQ by phone at +1 (603) 666-3906 OR 1-(800) 871-8326 (US Toll-free).
    NOTE: All questions related to ordering materials should be directed to Spectrum at Tel: 905-898-0031 OR Toll-Free Phone: 1-800-668-0600

    Any other questions can be sent to Christine Bibic at

    Step 4: Follow up tasks
    Summary of videos in this email:
    Setting up your profile:
    Registering your team:
    Ordering your materials:
    Using the Team Roster

    Hope all of that helps you to navigate this new process.  Thank you for your patience as we transition through this year.  I apologize in advance for any inconvenience.


    I sent an email out previously asking our FLL teams across Ontario to become Ambassador teams to the international teams competing in our Open Championship event in June.  If you are interested in being one of those teams, please fill in this form and we will connect you with one of the teams.  You can see a list of the teams going to the Open here.

    This is a great opportunity for your team to interact with another FLL team from another part of the world and to help them as they prepare to come to Toronto for the Open.  PLEASE consider joining this initiative!


    All email sent by me regarding Ontario details throughout the season will be archived and can be found here:

    Follow us to stay on top of the email archives!