Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hello everyone, I'm really excited about tomorrow's kick-off. If you are fortunate enough to already have your team assembled and ready to go you will have the advantage of starting tomorrow afternoon if you wish! Remember that the information should be posted on the FLL website around noon. If you keep refreshing your browser you should eventually see the new information. Keep in mind that sometimes with a big launch like this there are technical difficulties so if the challenge and project are not launched exactly at noon, keep checking back.

I wanted to highlight the fact that FIRST in New Hampshire hosts regular (once a month) Coach training calls to help you learn more. You can call in to these conference calls and participate(information about calling in for the next one is listed below) or you can download them after they're posted here and listen to them on your computer.

In addition, Ontario is starting a new initiative this year to help with coach training across our vast province. If you are interested in being a coach trainer for your area this year or next, please email me and let me know at We'll make sure you get the proper training to be successful and you'll probably learn some helpful tips at the same time!

Enjoy kick-off tomorrow!


Directions for the upcoming call are:
DATE/TIME: Wednesday, 9/9 @ 7pm (ET)
CALL-IN NUMBER: 1-800-503-2899
ACCESS CODE: 6663906

Listen in on previous Coach Training Calls from FIRST HQ in New Hampshire.