I hope your season is progressing nicely so far.
I just wanted to let you all know about an AMAZING event that is going to be taking place at St. Mildred's Lightbourn school in Oakville. Their FRC (the highschool version of what we do) team wanted to celebrate the 10th anniversary of FIRST in Ontario with a robotics symposium. The general details are below. Please take a moment to register for a workshop so we know how many people to expect.
Robotics Symposium at St. Mildred's-Lightbourn School (Oakville, ON)
The event will gather together FRC teams as well as FLL mentors and coaches for a day of robotics training and development.
Three sessions are planned to run concurrently for FLL coaches and mentors: "Where's the Value in Core Values?" OR "How do I program this thing?! (beginner building/programming)," OR "I'm ready for the NXT level" (advanced building/programming). These sessions will be run by VERY experienced and successful coaches and you WON'T want to miss out! Please click here to sign up for ONE of these workshops.
October 16, 2010 - The entire event runs from 9 am - 6 pm, but the FLL training will take place from 10 am - 12 noon (more details in the attachment!)
October 16, 2010 - The entire event runs from 9 am - 6 pm, but the FLL training will take place from 10 am - 12 noon (more details in the attachment!)
What else?
In the afternoon, there will be an event called The Inside Ride, to raise money for childhood cancer research. After this, there will be a social to network with other FLL mentors and FRC teams.
In the afternoon, there will be an event called The Inside Ride, to raise money for childhood cancer research. After this, there will be a social to network with other FLL mentors and FRC teams.
We invite all FLL coaches and mentors to come for as much of the day as possible! For mentors who belong to FRC teams attending the event, the FLL training sessions will take place during the FRC breakout sessions, so that you can attend the event along with your FRC team.
We invite all FLL coaches and mentors to come for as much of the day as possible! For mentors who belong to FRC teams attending the event, the FLL training sessions will take place during the FRC breakout sessions, so that you can attend the event along with your FRC team.
For more information about the event in general, please contact Lisa Hines (lhines@smls.on.ca or 905-845-2386 ex. 704) at St. Mildred's. For information regarding the specific training, please contact Dave Ellis (FLL Ontario Partner. Information about the Inside Ride is available at http://smlsrobotics.theinsideride.com
Dave Ellis
FLL Operational Partner - Ontario, Canada