I just wanted to touch base with you on a few things at this time.
- First of all, please note tomorrow's training session which is aimed at ALL coaches who are interested. The focus will be discussing the robot game, rules, clarifications, and common strategies used to be successful. You will need to log in to register for this online training which is starting at 7 p.m. For more information please go to our Training and Resources page. On this page, you'll also see other upcoming Coach Training opportunities and resources. Check back often as it is updated weekly. In preparation for tomorrow's workshop, I would suggest you watch this 7 minute video on Youtube. If you missed one of our previous trainings, they will be posted on the website at the same link above (one is already up from last week).
- Team Registration is almost closed for the Food Factor Challenge. If you are still recruiting someone to compete, please note that registration closes on Sept. 30th.
- If you are a veteran team and are looking to mentor a rookie team, please email me to make a connection with that team. There is some funding available if you are interested in doing so. If you are an FLL team interested in mentoring, documentation regarding the funding is here.
- Tournament registration will open shortly after Team registration closes. I will email you, post it on my blog, and on our website when it is open and at that time you can register your team for your tournament.
- Read your Coaches' Manual - it's your guide to success. Pay attention to the rubrics and the timeline for the season!
Dave Ellis
FLL Operational Partner - Ontario, Canada