Available Training
Updated Grant Announcement
Tournament Registration
Available Training:
- FLL Ontario Kick-off and Training Event - Saturday, September 22nd 2012 (registration for this event is now closed).
- FLL Ontario's Coach call recordings from 2011 - http://www.
firstroboticscanada.org/main/? page_id=2323 - includes all training recorded for the Food Factor season as well as other resources listed at the bottom of this page
- stay tuned for a 2012 Sr. Solutions' schedule
- FIRST HQ Coach Calls - http://firstlegoleague.org/
challenge/teamresources - FIRST HQ is hosting on-going Coach Training conference calls which you can find scrolling down on this page
- this page also has other resources listed on it
- St. Mildred's Symposium
- Saturday, October 27th - more details to come
- Coaches will have an opportunity to attend training sessions similar to the ones being held this weekend
- Coaches interested in sharing their knowledge are welcome to email me with their ideas or for further information
Updated Grant Announcement
New Team Grant: Already applied for a New Team Grant and have more kids interested than you can have on a team (REMEMBER, there is a limit of 10 children on a team)? Great news! We will be opening up our FLL grants on September 20th to those teams interested in a second grant to add an additional team to your school. You must commit to entering both teams in a tournament this season. There will be a limit of one additional grant per school/organization.
2nd Year Team Grant: If you are a Second Year Team and have not applied for your grant, there is still time. Again, if you apply you are committing to running a team and entering that team into this year's competitions.
Mentoring Grant: If you are an experienced coach and would like to mentor another coach you may apply for the mentor grant.
All the grant information can be found on my 4th email blast posted on my blog here.
Tournament Registration
Tournament registration is set to take place during the week after Thanksgiving Weekend in October. Please stay tuned for the email blast about that.
Director, FLL Ontario
FIRST Robotics Canada