Monday, August 26, 2013

Nature's Fury Team Blast #2

I hope you're getting as excited as I am about the upcoming season!  I wanted to send off a quick email with some important updates for you.

You can always review these emails by visiting my blog at and subscribing.

In this email:
1. Field Setup Kits
2. Game Release Date
3. Upcoming Training
4. Tournament Registration

1. Field Setup Kits
Your Field Setup Kits (FSKs) are shipping if you have ordered them.  If you have coached before there is an important update to them...each model you have to build is individually bagged this year!!  This is great news and should speed up your building time considerably!  Just don't dump out all the bags and mix the pieces like you've likely done in previous years! :)

2. Game Release Date
Just a reminder that the FLL Nature's Fury game and project information will be released August 27th.  

3. Upcoming Training
FIRST LEGO League Headquarters sends coaches emails.  They also do coach training via conference calls.  These have already started and you can find more information on these calls at
FLL in Ontario will also be holding some additional online training and dates for those will be sent to you soon.  
If you are available, we will also have face-to-face training in Toronto at Crescent School on September 21st.  More details to follow soon (save the date!).
Lastly, we will have face-to-face training at St. Mildred's Lightbourne School in Oakville on October 5th.  More details on that to follow soon as well (save the date!).

4. Tournament Registration
I have had some questions regarding Tournament Registration recently.  Tournament registration will open after Thanksgiving Weekend and tournaments will take place at the end of November till mid- December.  A fee for the tournament venue you choose will be required at the time of registration (this is different from your own Team Registration Fee you paid to FIRST HQ.

Happy building!!


Dave Ellis
Director, FLL Ontario
FIRST Robotics Canada