Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Trash Trek Team Blast #4: Kickoff, Training, & Practice Tournaments

Sent 09/10/15

Hello coaches,

We hope you've had a great summer and are excited to be back preparing for the new FLL season, Trash Trek!  Since the official game has been released I'm sure you're all as pumped as we are to get going on the challenge!

If you are looking for training or experience before your official event, this is the email for YOU!  In this email you'll find information about the following:
  1. FLL Ontario Kickoff and Training
  2. FLL Ontario Entrepreneur/team branding/project shaping workshop
  3. FLL Headquarters' "Ask an Expert" Series
  4. Practice Tournaments

1. FLL Ontario Kickoff and Training (registration required)
On September 26th, in Toronto and in Waterloo there will be a kickoff and training event taking place for teams to gather together and learn more. 

We need to know who is attending and in what numbers so please register for one of these two events using the appropriate links below.

Toronto Kickoff (Saturday, Sept. 26, Bayview Glen School)
Waterloo Kickoff (Saturday, Sept. 26, University of Waterloo)

2. FLL Ontario Entrepreneur/team building/project shaping workshop
Just a reminder to my previous email on this topic which you can see here.  Please read more about it here and/or register ASAP here if you're still considering attending as spots are almost gone!

3. FLL Headquarters' "Ask an Expert" Series
FLL HQ is hosting a series of webinars in which you can participate.  They have been going on already and continue to do so for quite some time.  If you're interested in any of the topics below, please sign up and join in on the call!  All previous sessions have been recorded and posted on this page: http://firstlegoleague.org/challenge/teamresources

4. Practice Tournaments
Many teams have been asking about registering for qualifying tournaments already but that registration will not be opening until early-mid October after Team Registration has closed; however, PRACTICE Tournaments are available in certain locations and I will promote those with you as they become known to me (by the way, YOU can host a practice tournament too!).

These are a GREAT way to improve your team and prepare them for the real competition.  I highly recommend participating in a practice event if there is one in your area.

The first one I've become aware of is taking place in Mississauga on Saturday, November 14th and anyone in Ontario is welcome to participate (this includes East teams).  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Go Teams!


Dave Ellis
Director, FLL Ontario
FIRST Robotics Canada