Hello coaches,
I hope your seasons are all going well so far!
In this email:
- Tournament Registration is coming soon
- Ontario Science Centre (Robots Rule)
- Reminders (practice tournaments)
Team registration is almost closed and soon tournament registration will be available for you. For those who are new to FLL in Ontario, the way tournament registration works is that you will be given a list of tournaments (which can already be viewedhere) and you will either be slotted as a "West Division" team or an "East Division" team. Depending on which Division you are in you will select your top 3 choices of tournaments in preferred order and once Tournament Registration closes we will notify you which tournament you have been slotted into. The software we use to slot you into your tournament takes into account when you register so please register as soon as I send you the link if you are concerned about getting your first choice.
- Team registration closing in the next week
- Tournament Registration opening via an email from me around Thanksgiving weekend
- Deadline to register: Friday, October 23
We have been invited to join the annual Robots Rule weekend at the OSC and as always, we are looking for interestedteams to volunteer to spend the day with us there showcasing your robot and project. This runs the weekend of October 24-25 and you can choose either the Saturday or the Sunday to participate in.
Setup between 9-10 a.m., tear down at 4 p.m.
Lunch is provided
You don't need to have a spectacular robot or project. The audience will be people who have never seen FLL before and you'll be acting as ambassadors to tell them about the program and share what you're doing as a team. You can use the day to work on programming missions as we will have an FLL table there with this year's theme on it.
If interested, please email me back ASAP.
Continued best wishes to you all!