Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nature's Fury Team Blast #7

Hello teams and coaches,

Some of you have just completed your qualifying event this past weekend and some of you have yours coming up still in the next couple of weeks.

Congratulations to you ALL for making it this far into the season and providing such a rich experience for the kids on your team.  Win or lose at your event, the kids have all learned so much about teamwork, communication, conflict resolution, time management, decision-making processes, research skills, and most importantly, the impact they can have on their community and/or the world.

Speaking of rich experiences, FLL has an aspect to the season called the Global Innovation Award which is a way to continue to make that research project live on after the event is over.   The winner gets an amazing prize and gets to see their solution protected and brought to the market through huge financial grants.
As many teams' seasons come to a close this is the perfect time to promote the FLL Global Innovation Award to all of you! The website is now open for teams to upload their submissions. The submissions will be private until the competition begins Jan. 17, when they will go public. Go to http://fllinnovation.firstlegoleague.org for more information or watch this teaser.

What have you got to lose?
