Thursday, November 12, 2015

TRASH TREK TEAM BLAST #10 - Tournament Prep, Practice Tournament and More!

Hello teams, I hope your preparations for the upcoming tournament season are going well! 

In this email you will find the following information:
  1. Practice Tournament Added (for rookies)
  2. RDES, 10 member rule, Consent Forms (TOURNAMENT INFO)
  3. Google Drop In Address Change
  4. Archived emails

Practice Tournament Added (for rookies)
What: FLL Rookie Practice Tournament 
When: Saturday Nov. 21st 12pm - 4pm 
Where: Toronto French School: 318 Lawrence Ave. East Toronto, Ont M4N 1T7
Cost: $75/team, pay with email money transfer, paypal or cheque to:
Register by emailing: with team name, coach name and contact information 

RDES, 10 member rule, Consent Forms (TOURNAMENT INFO)
When you go to your event, your team will enter three judging rooms (Robot Design, Research Project, and Core Values).  In the Robot Design room you will be asked to present your Robot Design Executive Summary (RDES).  Please see the RDES file which explains the steps to follow.

10 Member Rule:
FLL teams may NOT have more than 10 team members.  Teams with more than ten members competing at an event will be disqualified from winning awards and will not be eligible to advance to the Provincial Championships.

Consent Forms:
Parents of team members must either provide consent in STIMS or with the paper copy of the Consent Form.  Please make sure you have this for ALL team members - they cannot compete without it.  Instructions for STIMS for coaches and parents are here.

Google Drop In Address Change
On Nov 17/24, we will hold the drop-in at the usual time (6-8pm), but at a NEW address.

51 Breithaupt Street, Kitchener, ON

Enter via main *public* entrance, at the back of the courtyard, and take the public elevators to the 4th floor. There will be "FLL Dropin Centre" signs on the main doors to give directions.

The following Streetview link shows the new building with the entrance courtyard, the public doors are shown in the middle of the image:

Archived Emails:
If you have missed something or want to review some previous information sent out, please note that you can see all past emails from this season posted on our blog at  If you subscribe to it you'll receive all updates automatically.


Dave Ellis
Director, FLL Ontario
FIRST Robotics Canada

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